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摘要:鳞次栉比 Row upon row [lín cì zhì bǐ] 像鱼鳞和梳子的齿一样,一个挨一个地排列着(用来形容房屋等)。形容密集、整齐排列的样子。[次:排列。栉:梳子、篦子的总称。比:排列,相
Row upon row
[lín cì zhì bǐ]
It is used to describe things placed closely one after another just like fish scales and comb teeth, often referring to houses. To describe a dense and neat appearance.[cì: Array. zhì: The genericterms of combs and dandruff combs. bǐ: things placed closely] Provenance: Autumn Garden Miscellaneous Words Orchid by [Ming] Chen Zhenhui: “From the bridge to the street, there are rows upon rows of orchids; in spring, they all give off heavy fragrance. Among the thousands of flowers, the one born in summer is called Hui.”
[diāo liáng huà dòng]
Carved beams and painted rafters
出处元·郑廷玉《看钱奴》第三折:“这的是雕梁画栋圣祠堂。” 元·王子一《误入桃源》第二折:“光闪闪贝阙珠宫,齐臻臻碧瓦朱甍,宽绰绰罗帏绣成栊,郁巍巍画梁雕栋。”
This phrase refers to pillars decorated with colored paintings and carvings, which is used to describe the magnificence of the buildings. [liáng: The beams supporting the roof. dòng: The ridge beam of the building.] Provenance: The third section of The Miser by [Yuan] Zheng Tingyu: “This is a richly ornamented ancestral hall with carved beams and painted rafters” and the second section of Accidentally Entering Taoyuan by[Yuan] Wang Zi: “Glittering Pearl Palace, neat green tiles and crimson roofs, wide embroidery curtain cage and magnificent buildings with carved beams and painted rafters.”
[tíng tái lóu gé]
Pavilions, terraces and towers
The generic term of various buildings for rest and sightseeing. tíng: A building for rest, having a roof but no walls. tái: A place which is high and flat where people can look at the distant buildings from it, some may have houses on them. lóu: Multistory buildings. gé: A kind of building for distant view,for offering the Buddha and for keeping the books.] Provenance: The first chapter of The Tale of Heroic Sons and Daughters by [Qing] Wen Kang:“Although it is not a big garden, the pavilions,terraces and towers, and the trees and rocks are all elegantly and beautifully arranged.”
[gōu xīn dòu jiǎo]
Intrigue against each other
① The angles of the house are like hooks, which are all connected with each other pointing to the center of the house; the angles of the house are opposite to each other, just like weapons fighting with each other. It is often used to describe the delicate structure of the Palace buildings.② It is a metaphor for people being scheming and having strife either openly or secretly. ③The layouts of the poems and prose are exquisite and graceful, having ups and downs in a random but good way. [xīn: The center place of the palace building. jiǎo: The eaves angle.] Provenance: Constructs of the Country-Easy in Theory while Difficult in Practice by Sun Ya-sen: “For the structure of the family house, we should let the angles all direct to the center part so as to suit the sight. This is the must-knows for the application of arts.”
[měi lún měi huàn]
Tall and magnificent
文章来源:《建筑材料学报》 网址: http://www.jzclxb.cn/qikandaodu/2021/0729/650.html